Electric Heating Equipment – Space Heating
An electric baseboard style room heater, a marker of what would prove to be a relatively short blip in time when electrical energy in much of Canada was perceived as plentiful and highly promoted for residential space heating. Here shown in a 42 inch unit with simulated walnut metallic finish, built in thermostat and line cord, 1200 w, 120 volts; HeatFlo, Canada, Cat PB414, circa 196.0 [See also ID # 221]
– Company name on black on gold background, on inexpensive adhesive label
Technical Significance:
The significance of this artifact is two fold:
– First, as a representative of the class of portable room heaters that emerged in the late 1950’s and 1960’s, piggy backing on the popularity of central system, electric, resitance, base-board home heating. It would be a trend relatively short lived, as other forms of portable electric space heaters came along more convenient, compact, safer and with more inherent market appeal.
– Second, as a representative of the form and construction of the baseboard units used as components in central systems of the times.
Industrial Significance:
– As in any new, rapidly expanding field of engineering and production of consumer goods many new players are attracted to the field. Many hope to turn a quick profit under the market conditions of the moment, with a minimum investment, but often without the staying power needed for long term growth and participation in the field. “Heatflo” appears to have been of that nature, using very conventional low-tech cabinet manufacturing and assembly techniques, possibly purchasing their electric heaters from another major supplier of the period.