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Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Condensing Units – Commercial

A refrigeration condensing unit, with rolled and formed steel frame, massive in appearance, given its modest capacity, the Frigdaire Model S served to perpetuate the “machinery look” of the 1920’s well in to the next decade. With oval coil, static air condenser it would be recognised as a kind of icon of the engineering culture of the times, with its ideas of what a proper refrigeration machine should look like. A real time piece of the era in which it was conceived, many would still be in service 30 years later, servicing Canada’s food and hospitality industries, Frigidaire, 1929.

– Original decorative Frigidaire sticker and logo- Original wiring harness in steel sheathed BX, 2/14 cable and Square D disconnect switch Cat No 98251, with original 15 amp. cartridge fuses

Accession # HHCC.2003.046

A refrigeration condensing unit, with rolled and formed steel frame, massive in appearance, given its modest capacity, the Frigdaire Model S served to perpetuate the “machinery look” of the 1920’s well in to the next decade. With oval coil, static air condenser it would be recognised as a kind of icon of the engineering culture of the times, with its ideas of what a proper refrigeration machine should look like. A real time piece of the era in which it was conceived, many would still be in service 30 years later, servicing Canada’s food and hospitality industries, Frigidaire, 1929.

ItemRefrigeration machine ‘S’ManufacturerFrigidaire Corp., Dayton OhioMakeFrigidaireModelModel SShare
About Us

Started as a private initiative by a group of enthusiastic volunteers, the HVACR Heritage Centre Canada is a national charitable organization dedicated to preserving and studying the history and evolution of the heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration technologies. We carry-out mandate by collecting artefacts and archival material and creating exhibits, publications, and other educational programs for the benefit of all Canadians.


CRA Registered Charity Status number: 858978489RR0001


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